You Without Shame
Where healing occurs through shared experiences
My name is Meghan. I’m a marketing specialist, writer, and artist. I’m here to help you feel less alone.
How I Knew I Had Recovered From My Eating Disorder
I don’t recall a specific moment in which I suddenly felt recovered; what I do remember are moments in which I began to see my body for what it was: normal, and strong, and worth loving.
Be Grateful for Your Sadness
If you can, be grateful for your sadness, for it is a hand that pulls you to presence.
Clever Girl: What I Learned From My First Solo Trip Abroad, and Why You Should Travel Alone, Too
I was scared of traveling alone. But beyond the fear was an intuitive knowing that this trip would change me. So I went.
This Thing Called POTS
“I have POTS,” I said. I sat back in the cold, plasticky chair, glancing around at the students studying in the bright classroom.
The Unavoidable Business of Healing Yourself
I weep for my past self, the girl aching to be held and known and adored. I weep for the woman facing her present with courage and without doubt.
A Series: Emotional Art
“Expressing myself” has, for many years, meant writing. Until recently, I’d put aside a true love of mine: drawing.
Chocolate Shock, Belly Bloat, and Deep-Red Unknowns: How a Trip to Paris Triggered My Eating Disorder Recovery
Yes, this title is entirely too long, and no, I won’t shrink it. Not even for you, SEO.
There’s Always a Parking Lot—But You Can’t Stay Forever
It’s a complicated mess, being human. Grief comes on when you least expect it, after months of letting go.
Silence Is Connection: On Not Listening to Music
So I’ve been on a musical hiatus for about three weeks. Music has been one of my most challenging “addictions” to let go of.
A Silly, Soap-Colored Fear
Have you ever had an irrational fear? On Wednesday, I went to a car wash.
$5 for Freedom
Studied, stuttered hikes through unknown territory: this is how I am choosing to spend my precious moments on this earth.
In Appreciation of the Color Brown
The color brown: warm and seductive all at once.
Biking for Tiramisu
Life on a bike—a whole life / Hanging in gorged-out, bulging / Rucksacks and browned grocery bags
Environmental Work
◦ Go out in nature
◦ Press you hands into the muck
◦ Squelch your toes in mud
A Poem: “A Fairy Named Limerence”
I tuck you in / The scent of lilies and fireworks / I settle you in / A knit of giddy reveries
Dancing Is Our Duty
Disclaimer: In order to avoid disturbing my downstairs neighbors, I can now only dance like the Pied Piper.
A Poem: “A Long-Awaited Burial”
Here lies my pattern of codependency.
A Letter to Myself: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect Anymore
You don’t have to be perfect anymore.

Let’s get in touch!
I offer digital marketing, writing, and editing services. Reach out to me if you want to schedule a meeting.